Sven Völpel is the new branch manager of HPM in Cologne

Hamburg, 21 January 2020 – On 1 January 2020, Sven Völpel (40) became the manager of HIH Property Management’s Cologne branch. The qualified business administrator has been with HPM since 2016, most recently as team leader for property management at the Cologne location. Völpel had previously spent several years as a property manager for Residential Investments GmbH and Private Property Management GmbH, among others. Over the course of his career, Völpel and his property management team have managed more than 11,000 units. In Cologne, HPM manages a total area of around 378,000 square metres. Völpel’s predecessor, Bettina Höffmann, was promoted to HPM’s management board.

“With Sven Völpel on our team, we have an experienced expert from our own company working on behalf of our Cologne Location,” says André Vollbach, managing director at HIH Property Management. “Our presence in Germany’s top seven cities enables us to carry out demanding management tasks quickly and efficiently. Our customers appreciate that, as illustrated by our top placement in the annual Bell Management Report.” In the current Bell Management Report, HPM achieved the highest customer rating for commercial property management.

„With Sven Völpel on our team, we have an experienced expert from our own company working on behalf of our Cologne location. Our presence in Germany’s top seven cities enables us to carry out demanding management tasks quickly and efficiently. Our customers appreciate that, as illustrated by our top placement in the annual Bell Management Report.”

André Vollbach, Managing Director
HIH Property Management

Sandra Quellhorst

Head of Public Relations
Fon: +49 173 6634367
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