HPM is awarded Real I.S. mandate for 23,750 square metres of lettable area

  • Mandate includes two prestigious office buildings in Berlin and Bremen
  • Property management by HPM safely in place even during coronavirus crisis

Hamburg, 2. April 2020 – HIH Property Management GmbH (HPM) just acquired a new mandate by Real I.S. that commenced yesterday, 1 April 2020. The contract by Real I.S., an investment fund service provider owned by the BayernLB state bank and specialising in real estate investments, includes two prestigious office properties with a combined lettable area of 23,750 square metres. The eight-storey Kontorhaus office building in Berlin is located on the Friedrichstrasse high street. It provides around 7,750 square metres of lettable area, roughly 6,450 square metres thereof being taken up by office accommodation. The remaining 1,300 square metres break down into gastronomy, retail and storage units. The building was raised in 1998 and is fully occupied. The six-storey mixed office/retail building “Eins” in Bremen is part of the Weser Quartier block and overlooks the River Weser. Built in 2016, the property divides into two building sections with a combined gross lettable area of 16,000 square metres, of which around 1,600 square metres represent retail and restaurant units. The Eins building, which is also fully occupied, was awarded a Gold certificate by the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council. The new assignment brings the total lettable area that HPM manages on behalf of Real I.S. up to around 62,000 square metres in five commercial properties. All things considered, the HPM has c. 8.1 billion euros in assets under management.

“The Kontorhaus building is the first German asset we succeeded in acquiring for our open-ended real estate fund for private clients. Especially the flexible use options for the office units and its superior central location make Kontorhaus a sustainable and safe investment,” said Axel Schulz, Global Head of Investment Management at Real I.S. AG.

Christian Kypke, member of the senior management and in charge of new account acquisition, said: “Our first account negotiations of the year were brought to a rather successful conclusion. In addition to the mandate by Real I.S., we also acquired a new mandate for a real estate portfolio of Tristan Capital Group.” André Vollbach, Managing Director of HPM, added: “Even in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, we’re able to ensure that interdisciplinary teams continue to provide our services at every one of our locations. But, of course, chief priority is given to the protection of our staff and clients.”

Over the past ten years, HPM reliably placed at the top of the list in the customer rankings of the Bell Management Report. Indeed, the company placed first in the Office category last year.

“Our first account negotiations of the year were brought to a rather successful conclusion. In addition to the mandate by Real I.S., we also acquired a new mandate for a real estate portfolio of Tristan Capital Group.”

Christian Kypke, Member of the Senior Management
HIH Property Management

„Even in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, we’re able to ensure that interdisciplinary teams continue to provide our services at every one of our locations. But, of course, chief priority is given to the protection of our staff and clients.”

André Vollbach, Managing Director
HIH Property Management

Sandra Quellhorst

Head of Public Relations
Mail: SQuellhorst@hih.de
Fon: +49 173 6634367
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