André Vollbach promoted to Managing Director of HPM

Hamburg, 1st October 2019 – André Vollbach (41) has been promoted to the Managing Director of HIH Property Management (HPM). Vollbach, who has so far served as head of the HPM branch office in Düsseldorf, will transfer to Hamburg in October and join the team of Annegret Kirchner and Thomas Junkersfeld. Together with Bettina Höffmann (39) and Christian Kypke (37), Vollbach had already been appointed to the senior management of HPM at the start of this year.

HPM currently has a portfolio of mainly commercial assets worth 8.2 billion euros under management and employs roughly 220 staff at a total of seven locations in Germany. This year, HPM scored the highest customer rating for commercial property management in the Bell Management Report.

“The high customer rating of the Bell Report showed us that HPM managed to position itself as a highquality provider again and that our customers appreciate the fact,” said Jens Nietner, Managing Director of HIH Real Estate. “In André Vollbach, we found a personality who is familiar with the structure and growth potential of HPM and who can assume the responsibility for the further strategic development.”

„The high customer rating of the Bell Report showed us that HPM managed to position itself as a high-quality provider again and that our customers appreciate the fact. In André Vollbach, we found a personality who is familiar with the structure and growth potential of HPM and who can assume the responsibility for the further strategic development.”

Jens Nietner, Managing Director
HIH Real Estate

Sandra Quellhorst

Head of Public Relations
Fon: +49 173 6634367
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