- HPM ranks number 1 as best property manager for office properties in Germany in the category “Companies < EUR 18 m in revenues”
- Excellent ratings in the categories “client satisfaction” and “expertise”
Hamburg, 15 July 2016 – HIH Property Management GmbH (HPM) again ranks number one in the Property Management Report 2016 issued by the consultancy firm Bell Management Consultants. HPM succeeded in winning this award as best property manager for office properties in Germany in the category “Companies < EUR 18 m in revenues” for the fifth time.
“We are delighted with the positive client ratings. The excellent result is first and foremost attributable to the team’s commitment and expertise,” says Thomas Junkersfeld, managing director of HPM
Quality, dedication and flexibility are the cornerstones of HPM’s success. The multiple awards show that the regional networks and the commitment to local coverage do pay off, says Junkersfeld, who believes that the award testifies to the team’s strong capabilities, flexibility and dedication in handling even highly demanding assignments.
“We want to retain and build on the qualities that set us apart in order to remain a reliable service provider to our clients and business partners in the years ahead,” continues Junkersfeld.
For this ranking, Bell Management Consultants interviews preeminent investors and asset management companies each year. The Property Management Report seeks to analyse the brand strength and expertise of property management services providers from the perspective of clients. This makes the Bell report the most important performance ranking in the industry.
„We are delighted with the positive client ratings. The excellent result is first and foremost attributable to the team’s commitment and expertise. We want to retain and build on the qualities that set us apart in order to remain a reliable service provider to our clients and business partners in the years ahead.”
Thomas Junkersfeld, Managing Director
HIH Property Management