HIH Property Management Further Expands its ESG Unit

  • HPM hires young sustainability professionals as Business Development Managers Sustainability
  • HPM to upgrade 291 electricity meters at nearly 180 properties for smart metering in Q2 2021
  • New sustainability clause integrated in HPM employment contracts
  • HPM has been a member of the ICG Institute for Corporate Governance since 1 January 2021

Hamburg, 17. March 2021 – HIH Property Management GmbH (HPM) implemented its next ESG steps at the start of this year. On 1 February 2021, Felix Sasse (29) and Stefan Klingenberg (32) assumed their position as Business Development Manager Sustainability at HPM. Both sustainability managers have a “green” academic background, Felix Sasse having graduated with a B.Sc. in sustainability science and Stefan Klingenberg having taken out a B.Sc. in nature conservation and landscape planning.

The company’s new sustainability clause was already integrated in their employment contracts. On 1 January 2021, HPM started writing it into all employment contract of HPM’s new recruits and will have added it to all existing employment contracts by mid-year 2021. The purpose of the clause is to stipulate, in line with German labour law, that both employer and employee will structure the employment relationship according to sustainability criteria and will strive to conserve energy and other resources as much as possible. Employees moreover agree to implement the measures and recommendations of the company’s sustainability initiatives. By the end of February 2021, as many as 85 percent of the 240 employees of HPM had already added sustainability criteria to their employment relationships in writing.

Christian Kypke, member of the senior management and responsible for ESG, stated: “Our ambition is to become one of Germany’s most sustainable property managers. The only way to accomplish this is by bringing in the necessary know-how and adequate human resources. With this in mind, we are very glad that Felix Sasse and Stefan Klingenberg are reinforcing our ESG unit. One aspect of their work will be to push forward with our ongoing smart metering projects (electricity, gas, clean water and wastewater, district heating).”

Smart metering is a key component in the digitisation of the nationwide meter infrastructure. During the second quarter of 2021, HPM will be replacing 291 meters at nearly 180 properties with smart meters. These will be connected to an online platform so that meter readouts and consumption data can be digitally reported and automatically evaluated. In early March 2021, the contract to provide this service was awarded to a nationally operating service partner. It is one of the prerequisites for efficient and ESG-compliant reporting.

In keeping with its ESG mission, HPM became a member of the ICG Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry on 1 January 2021. “We are looking forward to reviewing its guidance for value-based sustainable corporate governance,” said André Vollbach, Managing Director. ICG members are committed to the principles of fair and ethical business conduct, integrity, transparency, professionalism, control, accountability, and value-based, sustainable corporate governance.

“Our ambition is to become one of Germany’s most sustainable property managers. The only way to accomplish this is by bringing in the necessary know-how and adequate human resources. With this in mind, we are very glad that Felix Sasse and Stefan Klingenberg are reinforcing our ESG unit. One aspect of their work will be to push forward with our ongoing smart metering projects (electricity, gas, clean water and wastewater, district heating).”

Christian Kypke, Member of Senior Management
HIH Property Management

“We are looking forward to reviewing its guidance for value-based sustainable corporate governance.”

André Vollbach, Managing Director
HIH Property Management

Sandra Quellhorst

Head of Public Relations
Mail: SQuellhorst@hih.de
Fon: +49 173 6634367
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