HIH Property Management Takes Top Spot in Bell Report Again

  • HPM also placed first in the single criteria “reputation” and “recognisability”
  • Focus in property management increasingly on ESG and digitisation

Hamburg, 9. October 2020 – HIH Property Management GmbH (HPM) placed first in the “office” asset class in the 2020 Bell Property Management Report in a repeat of its prior-year performance. More than 500 asset managers and investors were polled for the report in their role as property management clients. The assessment is composed of several individual criteria. These include, inter alia, a given property manager’s reputation among its clients. Here, too, HPM scored first place. Survey respondents also credited HPM with the highest recognisability among the property management service providers. The most important qualities that distinguish a good property manager, according to the survey respondents, are adherence to schedule and reliability.

André Vollbach, Managing Director at HIH Property Management, commented: “We are very pleased that our clients have repeatedly issued us an excellent scorecard in conjunction with the Bell Report, which is quite encouraging. It acknowledges the high quality standard we apply to the management of each property. At the basis of our performance you will find our employees, who manage the properties with passion and dedication. Advanced communication and negotiating skills also play a key role, as does our high affinity for digital working methods. It is something our clients appreciate.”

Two aspects of growing significance in the business area of property management are the implementation of ESG criteria and digitisation. “Sustainability used to be a nice-to-have option, but in future, it will become a must-have obligation for institutional investors. Our ambition in this context is to assist and advise our clients in the best way possible. We already cleared the first major ESG milestones for the investors and owners of the portfolios under our care. To a large extent, we converted our portfolio to carbon-neutral natural gas and green electricity. We are now in the process of introducing smart metering technology in our properties. Meter readouts and consumption data will be captured online and automatically analysed in future. We are thereby creating the digital prerequisites for ESG-compliant reporting. That we are on the right track has just been affirmed by the Bell Report,” commented Christian Kypke, Member of the Board at HIH Property Management.

“We are very pleased that our clients have repeatedly issued us an excellent scorecard in conjunction with the Bell Report, which is quite encouraging. It acknowledges the high quality standard we apply to the management of each property. At the basis of our performance you will find our employees, who manage the properties with passion and dedication. Advanced communication and negotiating skills also play a key role, as does our high affinity for digital working methods. It is something our clients appreciate.”

André Vollbach, Managing Director
HIH Property Management

“Sustainability used to be a nice-to-have option, but in future, it will become a must-have obligation for institutional investors. Our ambition in this context is to assist and advise our clients in the best way possible. We already cleared the first major ESG milestones for the investors and owners of the portfolios under our care. To a large extent, we converted our portfolio to carbon-neutral natural gas and green electricity. We are now in the process of introducing smart metering technology in our properties. Meter readouts and consumption data will be captured online and automatically analysed in future. We are thereby creating the digital prerequisites for ESG-compliant reporting. That we are on the right track has just been affirmed by the Bell Report.”

Christian Kypke, Member of the Board
HIH Property Management

Sandra Quellhorst

Head of Public Relations
Mail: SQuellhorst@hih.de
Fon: +49 173 6634367
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